Rene Gauthier

Rene's Stats
Courses Run
11 / 15
Overall - 8th
Age 40-49 - 3rd
Power Ranking
6825 pts
Overall - 11th
Age 40-49 - 4th
Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Jan 14 2023 6:24pm

VK4 FROSTBITE UPHILL    Total 60     Rene 2

 1:41:42  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK4   43rd Mens Overall    9th Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +200    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Sunday Jan 08 2023 3:44pm

VK3 SNOWMAN UPHILL    Total 40     Rene 4

 2:11:43  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK3   2nd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +150    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Dec 31 2022 3:51pm

VK3 SNOWMAN UPHILL    Total 40     Rene 4

 2:19:07  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK3   3rd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +150    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Dec 17 2022 1:28pm

VK3 SNOWMAN UPHILL    Total 40     Rene 4

 1:47:32  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK3   21st Mens Overall    11th Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +150    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Rene Gauthier: Good times everyone.

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Dec 17 2022 1:28pm

VK3 SNOWMAN UP-DOWN    Total 25     Rene 1

 3:34:48  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK3   19th Mens Overall    7th Mens 40-49
     New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Dec 17 2022 1:28pm

VK3 SNOWMAN DOWNHILL    Total 26     Rene 1

 1:39:37  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK3   19th Mens Overall    7th Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +150    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Tuesday Dec 13 2022 7:39pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UPHILL    Total 38     Rene 4

 0:45:38  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   16th Mens Overall    15th Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +75    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Conditions Report: Perfect conditions packed with touch of fresh. Brian i just missed you on this one

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Tuesday Dec 13 2022 7:39pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UP-DOWN    Total 38     Rene 4

 1:10:30  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   13th Mens Overall    15th Mens 40-49
     New Course Record Bonus +500    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Tuesday Dec 13 2022 7:39pm

VK1 MINI-BURN DOWNHILL    Total 37     Rene 4

 0:20:31  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   11th Mens Overall    16th Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +75    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Monday Dec 05 2022 8:09pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UPHILL    Total 38     Rene 4

 0:53:15  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   2nd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +75    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Conditions Report: Packed and icy up top.

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Monday Dec 05 2022 8:09pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UP-DOWN    Total 38     Rene 4

 1:18:19  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   2nd Fastest Time
     Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Monday Dec 05 2022 8:09pm

VK1 MINI-BURN DOWNHILL    Total 37     Rene 4

 0:24:51  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   2nd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +75    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Dec 03 2022 4:56pm

VK4 FROSTBITE UPHILL    Total 60     Rene 2

 2:01:25  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK4   2nd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +200    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Friday Dec 02 2022 7:53pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UPHILL    Total 38     Rene 4

 0:58:50  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   3rd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +75    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Conditions Report: Fresh snow and little punchy going up but coming down was a blast. Yeti left some skid marks at the peak.(wipe out butt sliding) Winter trail from the baiden junction up.summer section seams abandoned now.

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Friday Dec 02 2022 7:53pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UP-DOWN    Total 38     Rene 4

 1:31:08  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   3rd Fastest Time
     Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Friday Dec 02 2022 7:53pm

VK1 MINI-BURN DOWNHILL    Total 37     Rene 4

 0:30:11  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   3rd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +75    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Sunday Nov 27 2022 4:32pm

VK2 MINI-PUMP DOWNHILL    Total 24     Rene 2

 1:02:58  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK2   2nd Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +75    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Rene Gauthier: Sliding down the ankle deep fluffy

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Sunday Nov 27 2022 4:24pm

VK5 AVALANCHE UPHILL    Total 26     Rene 1

 3:05:05  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK5   18th Mens Overall    4th Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +400    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Conditions Report: Perimeter trail was frozen like an MnM few post holes not too bad. The feesh snow on the pump peak section was over ankle deep powered making for slow grinder to the peak. Cool temps today. Exited through the magic kingdom.

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Wednesday Nov 23 2022 9:16pm

VK3 SNOWMAN UPHILL    Total 40     Rene 4

 2:20:37  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK3   4th Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +150    New Course Bonus +50    New Course Record Bonus +500    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Conditions Report: No snow on bcmc .snow on resort and trail to dam mountain was braking through most steps to the vertical trail head past resort.once going up at my weight i brake through so many times figured i may go insane down to my knees. 1 small section had to crawl forearms and knees to not brake through. While Peter most was able to walk at his weight. The struggle was real but we would not be defeated. Needs more snow and to be packed in more to make any reasonable travel. That Dam mountain
James Stewart: Thanks for checking it out and the conditions report! Nice work

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Sunday Nov 20 2022 7:57pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UPHILL    Total 38     Rene 4

 1:20:39  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   4th Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +75    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Sunday Nov 20 2022 7:57pm

VK1 MINI-BURN UP-DOWN    Total 38     Rene 4

 2:43:40  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   4th Fastest Time
     New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Sunday Nov 20 2022 7:57pm

VK1 MINI-BURN DOWNHILL    Total 37     Rene 4

 1:18:03  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK1   4th Fastest Time
  Attempt Bonus +75    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Nov 19 2022 4:53pm

VK2 MINI-PUMP UPHILL    Total 22     Rene 1

 1:10:26  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK2   15th Mens Overall    3rd Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +75    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)
Rene Gauthier: Good seeing everyone today
Conditions Report: Packed trail

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Nov 19 2022 4:53pm

VK2 MINI-PUMP UP-DOWN    Total 23     Rene 1

 2:40:32  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK2   16th Mens Overall    3rd Mens 40-49
     New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Nov 19 2022 4:53pm

VK2 MINI-PUMP DOWNHILL    Total 24     Rene 2

 0:52:47  Rene GAUTHIER   

VK2   16th Mens Overall    4th Mens 40-49
  Attempt Bonus +75    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 11th (6825pts)

List of All VK Attempts
Attempt Date Time VK Personal Rank Attempt Status
Saturday Jan 14 2023 18:24pm 1:41:42 VK4 Frostbite Uphill Personal Best Time Verified
Sunday Jan 08 2023 15:44pm 2:11:43 VK3 Snowman Uphill 2nd Fastest Time Time Verified
Saturday Dec 31 2022 15:51pm 2:19:07 VK3 Snowman Uphill 3rd Fastest Time Time Verified
Saturday Dec 17 2022 13:28pm 1:39:37 VK3 Snowman Downhill Personal Best Time Verified
Saturday Dec 17 2022 13:28pm 3:34:48 VK3 Snowman Up-Down Personal Best Time Verified
Saturday Dec 17 2022 13:28pm 1:47:32 VK3 Snowman Uphill Personal Best Time Verified
Tuesday Dec 13 2022 19:39pm 0:20:31 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill Personal Best Time Verified
Tuesday Dec 13 2022 19:39pm 1:10:30 VK1 Mini-Burn Up-Down Personal Best Time Verified
Tuesday Dec 13 2022 19:39pm 0:45:38 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill Personal Best Time Verified
Monday Dec 05 2022 20:09pm 0:24:51 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill 2nd Fastest Time Time Verified
Monday Dec 05 2022 20:09pm 1:18:19 VK1 Mini-Burn Up-Down 2nd Fastest Time Time Verified
Monday Dec 05 2022 20:09pm 0:53:15 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill 2nd Fastest Time Time Verified
Saturday Dec 03 2022 16:56pm 2:01:25 VK4 Frostbite Uphill 2nd Fastest Time Time Verified
Friday Dec 02 2022 19:53pm 0:30:11 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill 3rd Fastest Time Time Verified
Friday Dec 02 2022 19:53pm 1:31:08 VK1 Mini-Burn Up-Down 3rd Fastest Time Time Verified
Friday Dec 02 2022 19:53pm 0:58:50 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill 3rd Fastest Time Time Verified
Sunday Nov 27 2022 16:32pm 1:02:58 VK2 Mini-Pump Downhill 2nd Fastest Time Time Verified
Sunday Nov 27 2022 16:24pm 3:05:05 VK5 Avalanche Uphill Personal Best Time Verified
Wednesday Nov 23 2022 21:16pm 2:20:37 VK3 Snowman Uphill 4th Fastest Time Time Verified
Sunday Nov 20 2022 19:57pm 1:18:03 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill 4th Fastest Time Time Verified
Sunday Nov 20 2022 19:57pm 2:43:40 VK1 Mini-Burn Up-Down 4th Fastest Time Time Verified
Sunday Nov 20 2022 19:57pm 1:20:39 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill 4th Fastest Time Time Verified
Saturday Nov 19 2022 16:53pm 1:10:26 VK2 Mini-Pump Uphill Personal Best Time Verified
Saturday Nov 19 2022 16:53pm 0:52:47 VK2 Mini-Pump Downhill Personal Best Time Verified
Saturday Nov 19 2022 16:53pm 2:40:32 VK2 Mini-Pump Up-Down Personal Best Time Verified
Overall Ranking Breakdown (575/1000) - Top 5 VK Ranked Times
VK Overall Place Rank (575/1000) CR % Category Place
VK6 Mini-Burn 11th 131 65% 16th
VK1 Mini-Burn 16th 120 60% 15th
VK11 Mini-Burn 13th 118 59% 15th
VK3 Snowman 21st 103 51% 11th
VK4 Frostbite 43rd 103 52% 9th
VK Summary
VK Best Time Total Attempts Overall Place Rank (/200) CR % Category Place
VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill 0:45:38 4 16th 120 60% 15th
VK2 Mini-Pump Uphill 1:10:26 1 15th 85 42% 3rd
VK3 Snowman Uphill 1:47:32 4 21st 103 51% 11th
VK4 Frostbite Uphill 1:41:42 2 43rd 103 52% 9th
VK5 Avalanche Uphill 3:05:05 1 18th 77 39% 4th
VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill 0:20:31 4 11th 131 65% 16th
VK2 Mini-Pump Downhill 0:52:47 2 16th 63 32% 4th
VK3 Snowman Downhill 1:39:37 1 19th 54 27% 7th
VK1 Mini-Burn Up-Down 1:10:30 4 13th 118 59% 15th
VK2 Mini-Pump Up-Down 2:40:32 1 16th 57 29% 3rd
VK3 Snowman Up-Down 3:34:48 1 19th 81 41% 7th
Power Rank History
Points Date Description
200 Saturday Jan 14 2023 VK4 Frostbite Uphill - Attempt Bonus
150 Sunday Jan 08 2023 VK3 Snowman Uphill - Attempt Bonus
200 Sunday Jan 01 2023 Monthly Vert Winner - December VK3
150 Saturday Dec 31 2022 VK3 Snowman Uphill - Attempt Bonus
150 Saturday Dec 17 2022 VK3 Snowman Uphill - Attempt Bonus
150 Saturday Dec 17 2022 VK3 Snowman Downhill - Attempt Bonus
50 Saturday Dec 17 2022 VK3 Snowman Up-Down - New Course Bonus
50 Saturday Dec 17 2022 VK3 Snowman Downhill - New Course Bonus
2500 Saturday Dec 17 2022 Completed all 5 VK Courses
75 Tuesday Dec 13 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill - Attempt Bonus
75 Tuesday Dec 13 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill - Attempt Bonus
500 Tuesday Dec 13 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Up-Down - New Course Record Bonus
75 Monday Dec 05 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill - Attempt Bonus
75 Monday Dec 05 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill - Attempt Bonus
200 Monday Dec 05 2022 Weekly Vert Winner
200 Saturday Dec 03 2022 VK4 Frostbite Uphill - Attempt Bonus
50 Saturday Dec 03 2022 VK4 Frostbite Uphill - New Course Bonus
75 Friday Dec 02 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill - Attempt Bonus
75 Friday Dec 02 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill - Attempt Bonus
75 Sunday Nov 27 2022 VK2 Mini-Pump Downhill - Attempt Bonus
400 Sunday Nov 27 2022 VK5 Avalanche Uphill - Attempt Bonus
50 Sunday Nov 27 2022 VK5 Avalanche Uphill - New Course Bonus
150 Wednesday Nov 23 2022 VK3 Snowman Uphill - Attempt Bonus
50 Wednesday Nov 23 2022 VK3 Snowman Uphill - New Course Bonus
500 Wednesday Nov 23 2022 VK3 Snowman Uphill - New Course Record Bonus
75 Sunday Nov 20 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill - Attempt Bonus
75 Sunday Nov 20 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill - Attempt Bonus
50 Sunday Nov 20 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Uphill - New Course Bonus
50 Sunday Nov 20 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Downhill - New Course Bonus
50 Sunday Nov 20 2022 VK1 Mini-Burn Up-Down - New Course Bonus
75 Saturday Nov 19 2022 VK2 Mini-Pump Uphill - Attempt Bonus
75 Saturday Nov 19 2022 VK2 Mini-Pump Downhill - Attempt Bonus
50 Saturday Nov 19 2022 VK2 Mini-Pump Up-Down - New Course Bonus
50 Saturday Nov 19 2022 VK2 Mini-Pump Uphill - New Course Bonus
50 Saturday Nov 19 2022 VK2 Mini-Pump Downhill - New Course Bonus
Courses Completed 11 / 15
Mini-Burn Uphill
Total Attempts: 4
Power Points: 300
Mini-Pump Uphill
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 75
Snowman Uphill
Total Attempts: 4
Power Points: 600
Frostbite Uphill
Total Attempts: 2
Power Points: 400
Avalanche Uphill
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 400
Mini-Burn Downhill
Total Attempts: 4
Power Points: 300
Mini-Pump Downhill
Total Attempts: 2
Power Points: 150
Snowman Downhill
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 150
Frostbite Downhill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Avalanche Downhill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Mini-Burn Up-Down
Total Attempts: 4
Power Points: 0
Mini-Pump Up-Down
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 0
Snowman Up-Down
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 0
Frostbite Up-Down
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Avalanche Up-Down
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Multiple VK in a Day Badges
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0

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