Sherwood Plant

Sherwood's Stats
Series Rank
774 pts
Overall - 9th
Age 30-39 - 5th
Power Ranking
1000 pts
Overall - 25th
Age 30-39 - 10th
Courses Run
4 / 20
Overall - 27th
Age 30-39 - 10th
Total VK's
Overall - 27th
Age 30-39 - 10th
Submitted 2 years ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Aug 06 2022 1:13pm

VK13 SCREAMING EAGLE    Total 33     Sherwood 1

   0:57:48  Sherwood PLANT   

VK13   3rd Mens Overall    2nd Mens 30-39
  Attempt Bonus +50    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 25th (1000pts)
Verified     Strava

Submitted 2 years ago - Attempt Date: Friday Jun 17 2022 9:31am

VK8 GRAND LARCENY    Total 31     Sherwood 1

   0:55:56  Sherwood PLANT   

VK8   2nd Mens Overall    2nd Mens 30-39
  Attempt Bonus +50    New Course Bonus +50    New 2022 Series Record Bonus +200*    Power Rank: 25th (1000pts)
* Course record since superceded, but was fastest time at time of attempt, so bonus is awarded.
Verified     Strava
Sherwood Plant: Correctly submitted this time.

Submitted 2 years ago - Attempt Date: Wednesday Jun 15 2022 5:52pm

VK12 GROUSEWOODS GRIND    Total 43     Sherwood 1

   0:48:30  Sherwood PLANT   

VK12   2nd Mens Overall    2nd Mens 30-39
  Attempt Bonus +50    New Course Bonus +50    New 2022 Series Record Bonus +200*    Power Rank: 25th (1000pts)
* Course record since superceded, but was fastest time at time of attempt, so bonus is awarded.
Verified     Strava

Submitted 2 years ago - Attempt Date: Saturday Jun 11 2022 8:19am

VK11 VAN DAMME    Total 38     Sherwood 1

   0:49:29  Sherwood PLANT   

VK11   New Series Record    1st Mens Overall    1st Mens 30-39
  Attempt Bonus +50    New Course Bonus +50    New 2022 Series Record Bonus +200    Power Rank: 25th (1000pts)
Verified     Strava
James Stewart: Great effort!

List of All VK Attempts
Attempt Date Time VK Personal Rank Attempt Status
Saturday Aug 06 2022 13:13pm 0:57:48 VK13 Screaming Eagle Personal Best Time Verified
Friday Jun 17 2022 9:31am 0:55:56 VK8 Grand Larceny Personal Best Time Verified
Wednesday Jun 15 2022 17:52pm 0:48:30 VK12 Grousewoods Grind Personal Best Time Verified
Saturday Jun 11 2022 8:19am 0:49:29 VK11 Van Damme Personal Best Time Verified
Overall Ranking Breakdown (774/1000) - Top 5 VK Ranked Times
VK Overall Place Rank (774/1000) CR % Category Place
VK11 Van Damme 1st 200 100% 1st
VK12 Grousewoods Grind 2nd 200 100% 2nd
VK8 Grand Larceny 2nd 192 96% 2nd
VK13 Screaming Eagle 3rd 182 91% 2nd
VK Summary
VK Best Time Total Attempts Overall Place Rank (/200) CR % Category Place
VK8 Grand Larceny 0:55:56 1 2nd 192 96% 2nd
VK11 Van Damme 0:49:29 1 1st 200 100% 1st
VK12 Grousewoods Grind 0:48:30 1 2nd 200 100% 2nd
VK13 Screaming Eagle 0:57:48 1 3rd 182 91% 2nd
Power Rank History
Points Date Description
50 Saturday Aug 06 2022 VK13 Screaming Eagle - Attempt Bonus
50 Saturday Aug 06 2022 VK13 Screaming Eagle - New Course Bonus
50 Friday Jun 17 2022 VK8 Grand Larceny - Attempt Bonus
50 Friday Jun 17 2022 VK8 Grand Larceny - New Course Bonus
200 Friday Jun 17 2022 VK8 Grand Larceny - New 2022 Season Record Bonus
50 Wednesday Jun 15 2022 VK12 Grousewoods Grind - Attempt Bonus
50 Wednesday Jun 15 2022 VK12 Grousewoods Grind - New Course Bonus
200 Wednesday Jun 15 2022 VK12 Grousewoods Grind - New 2022 Season Record Bonus
50 Saturday Jun 11 2022 VK11 Van Damme - Attempt Bonus
50 Saturday Jun 11 2022 VK11 Van Damme - New Course Bonus
200 Saturday Jun 11 2022 VK11 Van Damme - New 2022 Season Record Bonus
Courses Completed 4 / 20
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 50
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 50
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 50
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 50
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
VK Groups Completed 0 / 7
Power Points Award if Unlocked: 5000pts
Power Points Award if Unlocked: 500pts
Power Points Award if Unlocked: 500pts
Power Points Award if Unlocked: 500pts
Power Points Award if Unlocked: 1000pts
Power Points Award if Unlocked: 2000pts
Power Points Award if Unlocked: 2000pts
Multiple VK in a Day Badges
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0

Card image cap

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