John Garrett

John's Stats
Courses Run
1 / 15
Overall - 27th
Age 30-39 - 11th
Power Ranking
250 pts
Overall - 27th
Age 30-39 - 11th
Submitted 1 year ago - Attempt Date: Sunday Nov 27 2022 10:25am

VK4 FROSTBITE UPHILL    Total 60     John 1

 1:13:14  John GARRETT   

VK4   17th Mens Overall    10th Mens 30-39
  Attempt Bonus +200    New Course Bonus +50    Power Rank: 27th (250pts)
Conditions Report: Icy trails above 800m

List of All VK Attempts
Attempt Date Time VK Personal Rank Attempt Status
Sunday Nov 27 2022 10:25am 1:13:14 VK4 Frostbite Uphill Personal Best Time Verified
Overall Ranking Breakdown (143/1000) - Top 5 VK Ranked Times
VK Overall Place Rank (143/1000) CR % Category Place
VK4 Frostbite 17th 143 72% 10th
VK Summary
VK Best Time Total Attempts Overall Place Rank (/200) CR % Category Place
VK4 Frostbite Uphill 1:13:14 1 17th 143 72% 10th
Power Rank History
Points Date Description
200 Sunday Nov 27 2022 VK4 Frostbite Uphill - Attempt Bonus
50 Sunday Nov 27 2022 VK4 Frostbite Uphill - New Course Bonus
Courses Completed 1 / 15
Mini-Burn Uphill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Mini-Pump Uphill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Snowman Uphill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Frostbite Uphill
Total Attempts: 1
Power Points: 200
Avalanche Uphill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Mini-Burn Downhill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Mini-Pump Downhill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Snowman Downhill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Frostbite Downhill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Avalanche Downhill
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Mini-Burn Up-Down
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Mini-Pump Up-Down
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Snowman Up-Down
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Frostbite Up-Down
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Avalanche Up-Down
Total Attempts: 0
Power Points: 0
Multiple VK in a Day Badges
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0
Total Awarded: 0
Power Points: 0

Card image cap

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